Red Fern Spay & Neuter Mobile Veterinary Clinic
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
ph: (518) 645-0178
70,000 [puppies and kittens are born in the U.S. every day]
3 in 10 [are able to find loving homes to care for them]
What happens to the rest?
Every year in the U.S approximately 13-17 million dogs and cats are killed at animal shelters. Millions more stray or abandoned animals never make it to a shelter and die premature deaths from accidents, starvation and disease.
In the time it has taken to read this another 60-70 dogs and cats have been killed and trashed.
The Prolific Cat
Millions of unwanted and homeless cats are born in our country each year. During the peak of kitten season (April-September) animal shelters kill unwanted and abandoned cats at the rate of ONE PER MINUTE. Others less fortunate are left to wander--easy prey for larger animals, automobiles and cruel pranksters. If they do survive these hazards and elements they soon obtain maturity and give birth to 5 or 6 kittens, mostly females, to continue the cycle. Every cat owner whose pet is unspayed or unneutered, and allowed to roam, must bear the guilt for overpopulation.
Two uncontrolled Breeding Cats:
(plus all their kittens and their kitten's kittens if none are spayed or neutered add up to:
1st year: 12
2nd year: 144
3rd year: 1,728
4th year: 20,736
Red Fern Spay & Neuter Mobile Veterinary Clinic
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
ph: (518) 645-0178